Rajastan , the Kingdom of the Kings, is the next place we are going
to visit.This state houses parts of the Indus Valley civilization and
has an ancient history.

The main geographic feature of
Rajastan is the Thar Desert and the Aravalli Range. Most of the North
western region of this state is dry and sandy.In spite of being a
desert, this state is rich in fauna and flora.
This state is known for its palaces, forts, intricately carved temples,

Rajastani cooking is largely influenced by the war like life style of
the people and the availability of the ingredients. Due to the lack of
green vegetables [as the place is mostly a desert],dried lentils and
besan / gram flour dumplings of various sorts are used instead of
vegetables. In these arid regions, the cooks use less water for cooking
and replace it with ghee.

Dishes that could stay well for a long time and those that did not require heating were preferred.

I mentioned earlier, was a place of Rajas or Kings.The cuisine is very
flavorful and is predominantly vegetarian. It is also known for the
abundant use of milk, buttermilk,ghee and lentils.

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